Peace Corps: El Salvador

60 days and counting

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Although I have two more months left before I head out to El Salvador, I feel so overwhelmed at times with everything that needs to be done.

I don't think it has actually hit me that I am 60 days away from starting a dream that I've always wanted to fulfill. And while I try to stop and ponder more on this dream, I get caught in a moment and quickly remember all the things that need to be completed before I leave.

I did finally update and send my resume to Peace Corps. Although they requested it 10 days after accepting my invitation, I was a month late sending it in. Now that that part is completed, I need to sit down and write another aspiration essay for wanting to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

It's interesting how much a person can change over the years.
For those who don't know, this is my second time applying for Peace Corps. Yep, mi segunda vez. If you would have asked me the first time around my desire for wanting to be a Peace Corps Volunteer, I would have shouted to the mountain tops, "Because I want to save the world!" Four years laters, my outlook on Peace Corps and worldly affairs has matured from the random ramblings of a 23 year old. In a nutshell, progress and change take time. Sure, I'd still love to save the world, along with the billions of others on the same wagon, but progress and change ultimately start at a grassroots level and create a ripple. I realize now that I am a powerful factor in the ripple with the lives I come in contact with be it with Peace Corps or simply walking down the street.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah! It's almost here!!!!!! I hope to read more about your amazing experience sweet Kay. Wish I could have seen you before you were off =)

September 2, 2008 at 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops that comment was from me, Erika ... hehe

September 2, 2008 at 10:14 AM  

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